SLICEAug 20Advanced Echocardiography Series - AoV Stenosis TutorialSLICE's Richard Fisher sounds out Doppler assessment for aortic stenosis
SLICEAug 20Haemodynamic EchoAn Introduction to advanced haemodynamic assessment and monitoring of the critically ill adult using echocardiography
SLICEAug 20Renal Tract UltrasoundSLICE's Chris Duncan goes through some uses of ultrasound for the renal tract
SLICEAug 20Ultrasound of the Abdominal AortaSLICE's Chris Duncan ultrasound imaging of the abdominal aorta
SLICEAug 20Introduction to Abdominal UltrasoundSLICE's Chris Duncan introduces abdominal assessment with ultrasound for the intensivist
SLICEAug 20Lung Ultrasound PathologySLICE's Chris Duncan goes through some cases of lung pathology on lung ultrasound